Thursday, January 25, 2007

Gold Stocks again!

If you are not a day trader why do you look just until tomorrow?
Don’t do it. Look forward until next three or five years.
Now, what do you see? What do you believe?

We told you that gold stocks were a good idea. When we told you that, Goldcorp closed at 26,19. Today close at 26,93.

For these days that’s what happens:

Source: msn

When we look just until tomorrow, we don't understand where does it goes!

If you are not a day trader try to answer those questions, for the next three or five years:

1. Weak dollar?
2. Threat of terrorism attacks?
3. Iran conflict?

Well, you can see my opinion in the post “Why Gold Stocks?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Commodities, commodities, commodities!